如何設置及安裝小雲盒子? How to set up SVICLOUD TV BOX
如何設置及安裝小雲盒子? How to set up SVICLOUD TV BOX
In only a few easy steps, you may enjoy the rich content of SVICLOUD TV Box!
只需幾個簡單的步驟,您就可以體驗SVICLOUD TV Box的豐富內容!
小雲盒子設定設置步驟 Procedure of Setting Up SVICLOUD TV BOX
The set up procedure of 9P, 8P, 8S, and 3 PRO are the same.
9P, 8P, 8S, 及3 PRO 的設定設置步驟是一樣的。
開機 Switching on SVICLOUD
1. Ensure the HDMI and power cables are connected to the screen and power source, respectively. When the TV box is connected to the power source, it will turn on by itself. When the TV Box is turned on, the light on the front of the box will illuminate.
1. 確保隨附的 HDMI 線和電源線已連接到屏幕和電源。 電視盒接上電源後會自動開機。 打開電視盒時,盒子前面的燈會亮起。

語言設置 Language Setting
2. The TV box will access the language page after turning on. To find the language you want, scroll the list to the right using the arrow buttons on the remote control. Press "OK" to select your language, then "NEXT" to go to the following page.
2. 電視盒開機後會進入語言頁面。 使用遙控器上的箭頭按鈕將列表向右滾動,直到您看到所需的語言。 按“OK”選擇語言,然後按“NEXT”進入下一頁。

3. Then press "Continue" to agree to the disclaimer.
3. 然後按”繼續“同意免責聲明。

遙控器配對 Pair up with Remote Control
4. Press and hold the "VOL-" and "VOL+" buttons on the remote to pair the remote to use the voice search function
4. 按住遙控器上的”VOL-”及”VOL+”按鈕配對遙控器以使用語音搜尋功能

時間設置 Time and Date Setting
5. Set the time and press "Continue".
5. 設置時間然後按”繼續“。
網路設置 Wired/ Wireless Wi-Fi Setting
6. Press "Set up WIFI", then select the correct network on the right side of the screen and enter the password. Press "Continue" after connecting to WIFI.
6. 按”Set up WIFI” ,然後在畫面右側選擇該正確的網絡並輸入密碼,連接WIFI後按“繼續”。

7. Press "Finish" to install the pre-installed apps.
7. 按”完成“安裝預裝應用。

安裝實用應用程式 Install Useful apps
8. After completing the above steps, you can enter the home page. After entering the home page, press "Orz".
8. 完成以上步驟後便能進入首頁, 進入首頁後按“Orz”。

**Note: You can install a third-party application to watch, the box does not have an application built in**
更多有關安裝應用程式 More on downloading apps
1. Click "shop" / "market" at the right top corner. Then, choose the market, and find you the apps you want to download.
1. 點選 右上角的 ”商店“。接著,選擇你想在哪個商店尋找你想要的應用程式。
應用程式顯示在首頁 Adding apps icon on Homepage
1. After downloading the apps, press the back button on the remote control to return to the home page. Press "+", then select the apps to install them to the home page. Click the apps icon when you need to use them.
1. 下載應用程式後按遙控器的返回鍵返回首頁。 按“+”,然後選擇應用程式吧它安裝至首頁,使用時點擊應用程式圖示便可使用。
更改以上首次設置的設定 Change the first setting
1. Simply click "More" at the right top corner, and choose the setting you want to change. 只需選擇右上角的 “更多”, 然後選擇你需要更改的設置選項。